Best Kubernetes books for beginners

2 min readNov 20, 2022

After reading a lot of books in my Kubernetes journey, I give my personal ranking.

Best book for absolute beginners

The Kubernetes book by Nigel Poulten.

If you’re an absolute beginner, look no further than this book. The Kubernetes book is extremely clear and starts with a broad overview of the whole Kubernetes system. It covers a decent amount of materials (~250 pages), I can confirm that it’s the best starting point, but it won’t take you far. A plus is that it’s updated every year (Amazon, Leanpub).

Best book for learners by doing

Learn Kubernetes in a month of lunches by Elton Stoneman.

This book follows the approach of learning by doing, since each chapter ends with a series of exercises, additional free material is available here Kubernetes Course Labs. It covers a lot of topics (~600 pages) and has some nice extras at the end (Manning, Amazon).

Best book for learners by topic (and as reference)

Kubernetes in action by Marko Luksa.

This is a heavy book with lots of content where each chapter is deeply focused on a singular topic. I would say it follows a bottom up approach, explaining a small piece after the other until it offers a broad view in the middle of the book. It covers a huge amount of topics, unfortunately the first edition is outdated, but the second and improved edition should be published in spring 2023. I recommend it as reference together with the Kubernetes documentation (Manning).

